100 Reasons I no longer believe - 49

People have perfectly good reasons why they don’t believe

The bible says that we are without excuse and that the existence of God is obvious. (Romans 1:20). Yes, it’s true. They are without excuse, but they will have plenty of good REASONS why they don’t believe in God.

The bible pretty much tells us that if we don’t accept Jesus that we are, rebellious, foolish and all other manner of insults. The bible writers think everyone should think like them and that adequate proof for them is adequate proof for anyone else, but in reality it’s not, because everyone is different, everyone has different backgrounds and everyone one looks at things from different perspectives. Men are most definitely not created equal.

I have learnt that we all have different personality traits. God made us that way, if the bible is to be believed. Some of us are naturally more sceptical than others are. Some are easily convinced and will believe what others tell them. Some require a lot of proof. Yet many Christians will look down their noses at others because they don’t believe, just as I did when I was a Christian. Of course, on the other hand, some will look down at people who do believe too.

So if an atheist looks out at this magnificent world and still can’t believe that God created it, can God really be angry at his disbelief? If he sits through a powerful sermon at church, is unmoved by the emotional appeals,, but still doesn’t buy that Jesus is the son of God and still doesn’t believe that he died for our sins and rose from the dead,  it is because that is the way he is as a person. He needs to see physical proof. Faith is not enough for someone like him.

Faith does not work for everyone, especially those of us who can see how flawed faith is and how there are no guarantees it will lead you to truth. So if faith is not enough for certain people, how can they ever believe? 


Click here for more on how unreliable faith is:

Veracity of Faith


I go into how we all think differently and cannot just believe what we want to here: 

Not all men are created equal


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