The Mark of the Beast - It's Here Now!!!!!

It’s time for Christians to give up on this number of the beast thing.


Seriously. No matter what they say, the microchip is not the number of the beast talked about in the book of Revelations in the bible. It’s not a mark. A mark is visible. But not only that, now the microchip is becoming obsolete technology, at least when it comes to identification.


It is most definitely not the next step when it comes to security. 


We now live in an age where the microchip is not likely to last much longer as a form of identification. We won’t need cards, cell phones or even chips implanted under the skin to be able to identify someone or transfer money from one account to the other. We won’t even need bar codes tattooed on us.


Why? Because the technology is already here that makes it unnecessary.  

Why on Earth would you need a microchip implanted in your hand when you have these devices?
Why on Earth would you need a microchip implanted in your hand when you have these devices?

The time is coming where we will have full hand readers and facial recognition hardware everywhere, so there will be no need to produce any other form of ID. All we will need is our body.


This technology is already here and full hand readers, (eg Morphowave) are already out there in businesses. Security companies, such as the one I work for, are now integrating them into their software and making them available to consumers. We have them on our buildings. Simply pass your hand through a scanner and it reads your entire hand and identifies you. No need to place a fingerprint on a reader.


No need for contamination by touching surfaces hundreds of other people have been touching. No need for millions of dollars to be spent on microchips and operations to have them implanted under your skin. No need to worry about what type of side effects having a piece of metal implanted into your body might have.


Hand recognition devices are out there now and being used more and more. Reliable facial recognition is being developed and it won’t be long before we start seeing those everywhere too.


Even the common cell phone has basic facial recognition now!


All you will need to do when going shopping is rock up to the counter. A device will scan your face, identify you and then arrange for money to be transferred from your bank account to that of the shop. All done by computers. No marks, no cards, no microchips on your body, and no laser lights that might light up your hand or face as it scans you making it look like a mark on your skin.


The only numbers there will be, will be calculating on some computer somewhere. They won't be on your body. Nobody will need to force you to take any number. No guillotines necessary if you refuse to take a number. 


Why do Christians continue to insist that the number system is something in our future when it is in our past?
Why do Christians continue to insist that the number system is something in our future when it is in our past?

So forget about those microchip implants that are happening in some countries around the world. It’s not the way technology is going now.  Your bible prophecies in relation to this do not match up with what we are seeing in reality, and if your church leaders were honest and informed, they would be teaching you that orthodox Jews have been doing this number of the beast thing for centuries now.  They already carry the law around on their forehead or arm. They just haven't integrated it into trading.


That’s what the bible meant when it talked about the mark of the beast and how the law brought a curse. It was anti-Semitic nonsense. It was talking about Teffilin


Yet the world is still here. Jesus has not returned.


Even after all this time. The world hasn’t ended. We are not in the end times. And we won’t all be taking a mark or a microchip if we want to trade. It’s just not necessary, especially not in this day and age. 


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