The World Really is flat!


 My brothers and my sisters, you have been deceived! The world is not round as scientists are saying. It is very much flat like a pizza. They are lying, they must be, because the bible quite clearly illustrates to us the world is flat and God’s word can’t be wrong! Yes, you may have been aboard a plane and travelled around the world, but that is because they fly you around in circles without going over the edge of the world! Anti-Christs do not want you to believe the bible, that is why they are going to such lengths to deceive you. 


Yes, I know that many of the terms used in the bible are metaphors, eg the four corners of the earth  and I know that the bible describes a sphere, but it’s not talking about a spherical earth. It’s talking about the firmament, the dome way up in the heavens that covers the earth and stops water from flooding the earth, where the stars and the sun are lodged. If that reminds you of the Stephen King novel, the Dome, then I'm not surprised. It is not far off, except that this dome is way up in space completely enveloping our planet, which sits on a solid surface... not as scientists claim, a giant ball rotating the sun.  

The bible talks of the firmament, which covers our planet. A little like Stephen King's dome, but on a much grander scale. The bible tells us that God sits at the top of the dome.
The bible talks of the firmament, which covers our planet. A little like Stephen King's dome, but on a much grander scale. The bible tells us that God sits at the top of the dome.


Yes, my brothers and sisters, the sun is a separate entity to the stars. It is not an extra close star as evil scientists will have you believe. The bible quite clearly describes them as different things. The stars can fall to the earth, while the sun moves about the earth providing us with light, HALLELUJAH! Stars are a lot smaller than the sun, and along with the sun and the moon, are lodged beneath the firmament. The firmament creates that sphere that the bible talks about. The circle of the earth. PRAISE THE LORD!.


Do not be deceived about what science says about the moon either. The moon is its own source of light, not a reflection of sunlight. The bible clearly tells us that God created the sun as light for the day time and the moon as light for the night. The bible says it so it must be true. Don’t listen to those lying scientists that try to say the light of the moon is simply the reflection of the sun off it. That is pure nonsense. If mankind had really travelled to the moon, … I’m talking about real honest people, unlike Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, they would see for themselves that it is a light source of its own. Don’t be fooled my brothers and sisters!


This is what the bible describes, my brothers and sisters.  A large flat pizza shaped world with a solid dome way up in the sky, higher than any aircraft can go. God knows better than humans as he is the one who created our wonderful planet. HALLELUUUUJAH!  


Isaiah 40:22

He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy (the Firmament) 

and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

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